Class : Total of Open_A, Open_B, Open_C, Open_D Race : Inshore Handicap : T.S.F Start : 2005-09-18 10:35:00 Time Limit : 2005-09-18 13:05:00 Course Length : 6.5 miles Wind Angle : 270 deg to 230 deg Wind Speed : 3 m/sec to 6 m/sec Wave Height : 0.5 m to 0.5 m --------------------------------------------------Finish--------------Corrected- Sail No. Yacht Name Type | Day Time Pos | Pen.| Sec Pos -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JPN 6159 Cerezo Grand Soleil 42 18 11:34:19 3 3682 1 JPN 5870 Kaito J/V 35CR 18 11:38:45 7 3762 2 JPN 5910 Kine Kine 11 IMX 40 18 11:37:30 6 3813 3 JPN 2477 Asadori Ian Murray 43 18 11:34:16 2 3844 4 JPN 5873 Dottoressa B&C 46 18 11:32:10 1 3847 5 JPN 5812 Saiki Seam 31 18 11:42:32 12 3859 6 JPN 5505 Aoba Express IMX 45 18 11:35:02 4 3859 7 5619 Akea J/V 9.6CR 18 11:42:45 14 3872 8 JPN 5503 Gust Cookson 12m 18 11:36:55 5 3877 9 JPN 6155 Flawless First 36.7 18 11:42:23 11 3881 10 JPN 5824 Hornet Yamaha 33S 18 11:42:10 9 3900 11 JPN 6241 Super Chachamaru Sydny 32 O/D 18 11:45:27 17 3994 12 JPN 5691 Wendy 3 Farr 34IMS 18 11:42:10 9 3997 13 JPN 4004 Paraphrenian First 40.7(DK) 18 11:42:43 13 4029 14 JPN 5841 Roku 3 Seam 31 18 11:46:29 19 4085 15 JPN 5933 Dancing Beens 3 Seam 31 18 11:46:33 20 4089 16 JPN 5830 Eldorado Yamaha 33S(TR) 18 11:44:55 16 4126 17 JPN 5055 Narumi 8 Tsuboi IMS950 18 11:50:55 23 4141 18 JPN 4639 Armis 3 Swing 31 18 11:52:48 27 4149 19 5016 Surf Maid J 24 18 11:57:35 38 4158 20 167 Viking X 79 18 12:02:01 48 4177 21 JPN 4700 Carrera L Taylor 43 18 11:43:42 15 4192 22 5732 Stardust 29 J 29 18 11:54:52 32 4197 23 114 Mora Mora 3 Pioneer 9 18 12:01:20 46 4200 24 JPN 5865 Sweet Aloha First 40.7(DK) 18 11:45:41 18 4206 25 4105 Kunteru Yamaha 31S 18 11:53:22 29 4211 26 JPN 6066 Noha 9 Seam 33 18 11:46:37 21 4227 27 252 M&T Yamaha 23 18 12:06:44 52 4234 28 JPN 5020 Merry Sun Beneteau FC 18 11:52:07 25 4238 29 4710 Grace J 24 18 11:59:35 44 4259 30 JPN 4970 Sindbad Yamaha 44R 18 11:40:47 8 4267 31 4832 Odyssey Tsuboi IMS950 18 11:53:18 28 4271 32 5931 Leia Yamaha 28 18 12:03:12 50 4291 33 JPN 4955 Garyu 5 Yamaha 33S 18 11:49:01 22 4298 34 JPN 2500 Horizon 6 Yokoyama 30R 18 11:56:45 36 4360 35 5920 Hight Tension Yamaha 23III 18 12:09:33 55 4364 36 JPN 202 Mercure 5 Swing 34 18 11:54:09 30 4384 37 JST 237 Tao Platu 25 18 11:56:43 35 4391 38 JST 257 Sanctuary CK 2 Elliotte 7.8m 18 11:55:09 33 4405 39 JPN 4407 Mermaid Princess 5 Slot 31 18 11:55:18 34 4413 40 JPN 5157 Chestnut 6 Yamaha 30SNew 18 11:54:20 31 4463 41 JPN 3002 Sylphides First 36.7 18 11:52:29 26 4463 42 5759 Luna Rossa First 40.7(SK) 18 11:51:19 24 4467 43 2321 Mistral 4 Yamaha 31S 18 11:58:11 39 4469 44 JPN 5367 June Bride 3 Yamaha 31S 18 11:59:14 42 4526 45 JPN 5156 Nasemu 6 Yamaha 34S 18 11:59:26 43 4537 46 JPN 5386 C'ellestine Yamaha 31S 18 11:59:36 45 4546 47 JPN 4639 Gamela 3 Swing 31 18 12:01:21 47 4605 48 248 Fizroy Alerion Express 18 12:06:12 51 4624 49 5479 Mer Bleue 3 Briand 32 18 12:07:35 53 4662 50 JPN 6257 Quarter Deck Yamaha 30SNew 18 11:58:22 40 4689 51 JPN 5075 Uranami 8 Yamaha 31S 18 12:03:05 49 4733 52 6160 Kaze no Gotoku Seam 31II 18 11:58:33 41 4774 53 JPN 4135 Danryu 2 Yamaha 33S 18 11:57:27 37 4826 54 5516 Bell 5 Najad 360 18 12:09:25 54 4999 55 JPN 2927 Liberty Friend Ship 32 18 12:26:10 56 5637 56 JPN 3714 Fujin J/V 9.6m DNC JPN 5868 Ying Chan Sun Odyssey 40 OCS JPN 1190 Helios Pioneer 10 OCS JPN 5785 Perche Mumm 36 OCS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class : Open_A Race : Inshore Handicap : T.S.F Start : 2005-09-18 10:35:00 Time Limit : 2005-09-18 13:05:00 Course Length : 6.5 miles Wind Angle : 270 deg to 230 deg Wind Speed : 3 m/sec to 6 m/sec Wave Height : 0.5 m to 0.5 m --------------------------------------------------Finish--------------Corrected- Sail No. Yacht Name Type | Day Time Pos | Pen.| Sec Pos -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JPN 6159 Cerezo Grand Soleil 42 18 11:34:19 3 3682 1 JPN 5910 Kine Kine 11 IMX 40 18 11:37:30 6 3813 2 JPN 2477 Asadori Ian Murray 43 18 11:34:16 2 3844 3 JPN 5873 Dottoressa B&C 46 18 11:32:10 1 3847 4 JPN 5505 Aoba Express IMX 45 18 11:35:02 4 3859 5 JPN 5503 Gust Cookson 12m 18 11:36:55 5 3877 6 JPN 5691 Wendy 3 Farr 34IMS 18 11:42:10 8 3997 7 JPN 4004 Paraphrenian First 40.7(DK) 18 11:42:43 9 4029 8 JPN 4700 Carrera L Taylor 43 18 11:43:42 10 4192 9 JPN 5865 Sweet Aloha First 40.7(DK) 18 11:45:41 11 4206 10 JPN 4970 Sindbad Yamaha 44R 18 11:40:47 7 4267 11 JPN 5785 Perche Mumm 36 OCS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class : Open_B Race : Inshore Handicap : T.S.F Start : 2005-09-18 10:35:00 Time Limit : 2005-09-18 13:05:00 Course Length : 6.5 miles Wind Angle : 270 deg to 230 deg Wind Speed : 3 m/sec to 6 m/sec Wave Height : 0.5 m to 0.5 m --------------------------------------------------Finish--------------Corrected- Sail No. Yacht Name Type | Day Time Pos | Pen.| Sec Pos -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JPN 5870 Kaito J/V 35CR 18 11:38:45 1 3762 1 JPN 5812 Saiki Seam 31 18 11:42:32 4 3859 2 5619 Akea J/V 9.6CR 18 11:42:45 5 3872 3 JPN 6155 Flawless First 36.7 18 11:42:23 3 3881 4 JPN 5824 Hornet Yamaha 33S 18 11:42:10 2 3900 5 JPN 6241 Super Chachamaru Sydny 32 O/D 18 11:45:27 7 3994 6 JPN 5841 Roku 3 Seam 31 18 11:46:29 8 4085 7 JPN 5933 Dancing Beens 3 Seam 31 18 11:46:33 9 4089 8 JPN 5830 Eldorado Yamaha 33S(TR) 18 11:44:55 6 4126 9 JPN 6066 Noha 9 Seam 33 18 11:46:37 10 4227 10 JPN 4955 Garyu 5 Yamaha 33S 18 11:49:01 11 4298 11 JPN 5157 Chestnut 6 Yamaha 30SNew 18 11:54:20 14 4463 12 JPN 3002 Sylphides First 36.7 18 11:52:29 13 4463 13 5759 Luna Rossa First 40.7(SK) 18 11:51:19 12 4467 14 JPN 6257 Quarter Deck Yamaha 30SNew 18 11:58:22 16 4689 15 6160 Kaze no Gotoku Seam 31II 18 11:58:33 17 4774 16 JPN 4135 Danryu 2 Yamaha 33S 18 11:57:27 15 4826 17 JPN 3714 Fujin J/V 9.6m DNC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class : Open_C Race : Inshore Handicap : T.S.F Start : 2005-09-18 10:35:00 Time Limit : 2005-09-18 13:05:00 Course Length : 6.5 miles Wind Angle : 270 deg to 230 deg Wind Speed : 3 m/sec to 6 m/sec Wave Height : 0.5 m to 0.5 m --------------------------------------------------Finish--------------Corrected- Sail No. Yacht Name Type | Day Time Pos | Pen.| Sec Pos -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JPN 5055 Narumi 8 Tsuboi IMS950 18 11:50:55 1 4141 1 JPN 4639 Armis 3 Swing 31 18 11:52:48 3 4149 2 4105 Kunteru Yamaha 31S 18 11:53:22 5 4211 3 JPN 5020 Merry Sun Beneteau FC 18 11:52:07 2 4238 4 4832 Odyssey Tsuboi IMS950 18 11:53:18 4 4271 5 JPN 2500 Horizon 6 Yokoyama 30R 18 11:56:45 10 4360 6 JPN 202 Mercure 5 Swing 34 18 11:54:09 6 4384 7 JST 237 Tao Platu 25 18 11:56:43 9 4391 8 JST 257 Sanctuary CK 2 Elliotte 7.8m 18 11:55:09 7 4405 9 JPN 4407 Mermaid Princess 5 Slot 31 18 11:55:18 8 4413 10 2321 Mistral 4 Yamaha 31S 18 11:58:11 11 4469 11 JPN 5367 June Bride 3 Yamaha 31S 18 11:59:14 12 4526 12 JPN 5156 Nasemu 6 Yamaha 34S 18 11:59:26 13 4537 13 JPN 5386 C'ellestine Yamaha 31S 18 11:59:36 14 4546 14 JPN 4639 Gamela 3 Swing 31 18 12:01:21 15 4605 15 JPN 5075 Uranami 8 Yamaha 31S 18 12:03:05 16 4733 16 JPN 5868 Ying Chan Sun Odyssey 40 OCS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class : Open_D Race : Inshore Handicap : T.S.F Start : 2005-09-18 10:35:00 Time Limit : 2005-09-18 13:05:00 Course Length : 6.5 miles Wind Angle : 270 deg to 230 deg Wind Speed : 3 m/sec to 6 m/sec Wave Height : 0.5 m to 0.5 m --------------------------------------------------Finish--------------Corrected- Sail No. Yacht Name Type | Day Time Pos | Pen.| Sec Pos -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5016 Surf Maid J 24 18 11:57:35 2 4158 1 167 Viking X 79 18 12:02:01 5 4177 2 5732 Stardust 29 J 29 18 11:54:52 1 4197 3 114 Mora Mora 3 Pioneer 9 18 12:01:20 4 4200 4 252 M&T Yamaha 23 18 12:06:44 8 4234 5 4710 Grace J 24 18 11:59:35 3 4259 6 5931 Leia Yamaha 28 18 12:03:12 6 4291 7 5920 Hight Tension Yamaha 23III 18 12:09:33 11 4364 8 248 Fizroy Alerion Express 18 12:06:12 7 4624 9 5479 Mer Bleue 3 Briand 32 18 12:07:35 9 4662 10 5516 Bell 5 Najad 360 18 12:09:25 10 4999 11 JPN 2927 Liberty Friend Ship 32 18 12:26:10 12 5637 12 JPN 1190 Helios Pioneer 10 OCS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------