第30回五ヶ所湾合同レース成績 2005.05.03  

Class  : ORC_Club
Race   : Offshore
Handicap : ORC_Club                    Start       : 2005-05-03   02:00:00
Course Type : Time-on-Time             Time Limit  : 2005-05-03   15:00:00
Course Length : 46 miles
Age Allowance  : Applied(x2)
Wind Angle  : 310 deg to 100 deg       Wind Speed  : 2   m/sec to 13  m/sec
Wave Height : 0.3 m   to 3   m
 Sail No.    Yacht Name        Type        | Day  Time   Pos | Pen.|   Sec   Pos
 JPN 6155 Flawless           First 36.7      03 08:20:39   3           22214   1
 JPN 5870 Kaito              J/V 35CR        03 08:11:40   1           22335   2
 JPN 5824 Hornet             Yamaha 33S      03 08:15:37   2           22374   3
 JPN 5841 Roku III           Seam 31         03 08:32:02   4           22572   4
 JPN 5055 Narumi 8           Tsuboi IMS950   03 08:53:09   9           22824   5
 JPN 5650 KoNig              J/V 9.6CR       03 08:37:22   6           23001   6
 JPN 4955 Garyu 5            Yamaha 33S      03 08:35:09   5           23224   7
 JPN 5933 Dancing Beans III  Seam 31         03 08:43:08   7           23233   8
 JPN 6019 Seed V             Tripp 36        03 08:50:08   8           23666   9
 JPN 5157 Chestnut 6         Yamaha 30S New              DNF
Class  : Open
Race   : Offshore
Handicap : T.S.F                       Start       : 2005-05-03   02:00:00
Course Type : Ocean Racing             Time Limit  : 2005-05-03   15:00:00
Course Length : 46 miles
Wind Angle  : 310 deg to 100 deg       Wind Speed  : 2   m/sec to 13  m/sec
Wave Height : 0.3 m   to 3   m
 Sail No.    Yacht Name        Type        | Day  Time   Pos | Pen.|   Sec   Pos
     5367 June Bride 3       Yamaha 31S      03 08:56:06   3           22697   1
 JPN 4135 Danryu             Yamaha 33S      03 08:24:38   1           22886   2
     6160 Kaze no Gotoku     Seam 31II       03 08:45:41   2           23182   3
     2321 Mistral 4          Yamaha 31S      03 09:25:02   4           24275   4
 JPN 4639 Gamela             Swing 31                    DNC
 JPN 5111 Baroness           First 45F5                  DNC