第30回東海チャンピオンシップシリーズレース成績 2005.11.06  

Class  : ORC_Club
Scoring System  : Low Point System      Race  1: #1 Inshore (x 1.0)
                                        Race  2: #2 Inshore (x 1.0)
                                        Race  3: #3 Inshore (x 1.0)
                                        Race  4: #4 Inshore (x 1.0)
                                        Race  5: #5 Inshore (x 1.0)
                                        Race  6: #6 Inshore (x 1.0)

---------------------------------Race 1------Race 2------Race 3------Race 4---
 Sail No.    Yacht Name      | Pos    Pt | Pos    Pt | Pos    Pt | Pos    Pt |
 JPN 5503 Gust                  5  5.000  DSQ 14.000    1  1.000    1  1.000
 JPN 4004 Paraphrenian          2  2.000    1  1.000  OCS 14.000    3  3.000
 JPN 2500 Horizon              11 11.000    8  8.000    3  3.000    5  5.000
 JPN 6155 Flawless              3  3.000    3  3.000    9  9.000   10 10.000
 JPN 5691 Wendy 3               4  4.000    2  2.000   10 10.000    4  4.000
 JPN 5830 Eldorado              1  1.000   10 10.000  OCS 14.000    2  2.000
 JPN 5824 Hornet                6  6.000  RDG  6.000    7  7.000    6  6.000
 JPN 5870 Kaito                10 10.000    9  9.000    2  2.000    7  7.000
 JPN 5812 Saiki                 7  7.000    4  4.000    5  5.000  OCS 14.000
 JPN  210 Querida               8  8.000    5  5.000    4  4.000  OCS 14.000
 JPN 5055 Narumi 8              9  9.000    6  6.000    6  6.000    9  9.000
 JPN 5933 Dancing Beans 3      13 13.000    7  7.000   11 11.000    8  8.000
 JPN 5841 Roku 3               12 12.000   11 11.000    8  8.000   11 11.000
---------------------------------Race 5------Race 6------Total----
 Sail No.    Yacht Name      | Pos    Pt | Pos    Pt |  Pt    Pos|
 JPN 5503 Gust                  1  1.000    2  2.000   24.000   1
 JPN 4004 Paraphrenian          3  3.000    1  1.000   24.000   2
 JPN 2500 Horizon               2  2.000    3  3.000   32.000   3
 JPN 6155 Flawless              4  4.000    4  4.000   33.000   4
 JPN 5691 Wendy 3               7  7.000    9  9.000   36.000   5
 JPN 5830 Eldorado              5  5.000    5  5.000   37.000   6
 JPN 5824 Hornet                6  6.000    6  6.000   37.000   7
 JPN 5870 Kaito                 9  9.000    7  7.000   44.000   8
 JPN 5812 Saiki                 8  8.000   11 11.000   49.000   9
 JPN  210 Querida              11 11.000    8  8.000   50.000  10
 JPN 5055 Narumi 8             10 10.000   10 10.000   50.000  11
 JPN 5933 Dancing Beans 3      12 12.000   13 13.000   64.000  12
 JPN 5841 Roku 3               13 13.000   12 12.000   67.000  13


Race   : #1 Inshore
Handicap : ORC_Club                    Start       : 2005-10-30   10:00:00
Course Type : Time-on-Time             Time Limit  : 2005-10-30   12:30:00
Course Length : 11.2 miles
Age Allowance  : Applied(x2)
Wind Angle  : 310 deg to 310 deg       Wind Speed  : 6   m/sec to 11  m/sec
Wave Height : 0.8 m   to 1   m
 Sail No.    Yacht Name        Type        | Day  Time   Pos | Pen.|   Sec   Pos
 JPN 5830 Eldorado           Yamaha 33S(TR)  30 12:00:54   4            7087   1
 JPN 4004 Paraphrenian       First 40.7(DK)  30 11:59:22   2            7093   2
 JPN 6155 Flawless           First 36.7      30 12:02:36   5            7125   3
 JPN 5691 Wendy 3            Farr 34IMS      30 12:00:39   3            7173   4
 JPN 5503 Gust               Cookson 12m     30 11:54:24   1            7174   5
 JPN 5824 Hornet             Yamaha 33S      30 12:03:57   6            7205   6
 JPN 5812 Saiki              Seam 31         30 12:06:20   8            7210   7
 JPN  210 Querida            G.Frers 31      30 12:11:53   9            7265   8
 JPN 5055 Narumi 8           Tsuboi IMS950   30 12:14:51  12            7287   9
 JPN 5870 Kaito              J/V 35CR        30 12:04:20   7            7383  10
 JPN 2500 Horizon            Yokoyama 30R    30 12:20:04  13            7465  11
 JPN 5841 Roku 3             Seam 31         30 12:13:39  10            7634  12
 JPN 5933 Dancing Beans 3    Seam 31         30 12:13:52  11            7653  13
Race   : #2 Inshore
Handicap : ORC_Club                    Start       : 2005-10-30   13:05:00
Course Type : Time-on-Time             Time Limit  : 2005-10-30   15:35:00
Course Length : 9.6 miles
Age Allowance  : Applied(x2)
Wind Angle  : 315 deg to 300 deg       Wind Speed  : 7   m/sec to 11  m/sec
Wave Height :     m   to     m
 Sail No.    Yacht Name        Type        | Day  Time   Pos | Pen.|   Sec   Pos
 JPN 4004 Paraphrenian       First 40.7(DK)  30 14:37:10   1            5477   1
 JPN 5691 Wendy 3            Farr 34IMS      30 14:37:54   2            5523   2
 JPN 6155 Flawless           First 36.7      30 14:41:32   3            5610   3
 JPN 5812 Saiki              Seam 31         30 14:46:48   5            5810   4
 JPN  210 Querida            G.Frers 31      30 14:50:39   8            5820   5
 JPN 5055 Narumi 8           Tsuboi IMS950   30 14:54:41  10            5927   6
 JPN 5824 Hornet             Yamaha 33S                  RDG                   6
 JPN 5933 Dancing Beans 3    Seam 31         30 14:49:51   7            5994   7
 JPN 2500 Horizon            Yokoyama 30R    30 14:57:41  11            6005   8
 JPN 5870 Kaito              J/V 35CR        30 14:46:38   4            6035   9
 JPN 5830 Eldorado           Yamaha 33S(TR)  30 14:49:33   6            6128  10
 JPN 5841 Roku 3             Seam 31         30 14:52:35   9            6145  11
 JPN 5503 Gust               Cookson 12m                 DSQ
Race   : #3 Inshore
Handicap : ORC_Club                    Start       : 2005-11-05   10:50:00
Course Type : Time-on-Time             Time Limit  : 2005-11-05   13:15:00
Course Length : 6.2 miles
Age Allowance  : Applied(x2)
Wind Angle  :     deg to     deg       Wind Speed  :     m/sec to     m/sec
Wave Height :     m   to     m
 Sail No.    Yacht Name        Type        | Day  Time   Pos | Pen.|   Sec   Pos
 JPN 5503 Gust               Cookson 12m     05 12:20:30   1            5675   1
 JPN 5870 Kaito              J/V 35CR        05 12:25:55   2            5696   2
 JPN 2500 Horizon            Yokoyama 30R    05 12:36:56  11            5699   3
 JPN  210 Querida            G.Frers 31      05 12:33:35   8            5706   4
 JPN 5812 Saiki              Seam 31         05 12:30:31   6            5736   5
 JPN 5055 Narumi 8           Tsuboi IMS950   05 12:36:37  10            5761   6
 JPN 5824 Hornet             Yamaha 33S      05 12:29:11   4            5766   7
 JPN 5841 Roku 3             Seam 31         05 12:31:18   7            5786   8
 JPN 6155 Flawless           First 36.7      05 12:29:52   5            5804   9
 JPN 5691 Wendy 3            Farr 34IMS      05 12:27:40   3            5806  10
 JPN 5933 Dancing Beans 3    Seam 31         05 12:35:09   9            6011  11
 JPN 5830 Eldorado           Yamaha 33S(TR)              OCS
 JPN 4004 Paraphrenian       First 40.7(DK)              OCS
Race   : #4 Inshore
Handicap : ORC_Club                    Start       : 2005-11-05   13:25:00
Course Type : Time-on-Time             Time Limit  : 2005-11-05   15:55:00
Course Length : 10.2 miles
Age Allowance  : Applied(x2)
Wind Angle  :     deg to     deg       Wind Speed  :     m/sec to     m/sec
Wave Height :     m   to     m
 Sail No.    Yacht Name        Type        | Day  Time   Pos | Pen.|   Sec   Pos
 JPN 5503 Gust               Cookson 12m     05 15:17:19   1            7043   1
 JPN 5830 Eldorado           Yamaha 33S(TR)  05 15:27:10   4            7161   2
 JPN 4004 Paraphrenian       First 40.7(DK)  05 15:26:14   2            7204   3
 JPN 5691 Wendy 3            Farr 34IMS      05 15:26:24   3            7217   4
 JPN 2500 Horizon            Yokoyama 30R    05 15:40:30  10            7222   5
 JPN 5824 Hornet             Yamaha 33S      05 15:29:58   6            7264   6
 JPN 5870 Kaito              J/V 35CR        05 15:28:02   5            7306   7
 JPN 5933 Dancing Beans 3    Seam 31         05 15:33:26   8            7343   8
 JPN 5055 Narumi 8           Tsuboi IMS950   05 15:41:20  11            7367   9
 JPN 6155 Flawless           First 36.7      05 15:32:05   7            7385  10
 JPN 5841 Roku 3             Seam 31         05 15:36:45   9            7525  11
 JPN 5812 Saiki              Seam 31                     OCS
 JPN  210 Querida            G.Frers 31                  OCS
Race   : #5 Inshore
Handicap : ORC_Club                    Start       : 2005-11-06   10:00:00
Course Type : Time-on-Time             Time Limit  : 2005-11-06   12:30:00
Course Length : 7.2 miles
Age Allowance  : Applied(x2)
Wind Angle  : 70  deg to 85  deg       Wind Speed  : 7   m/sec to 8   m/sec
Wave Height : 0.7 m   to 0.7 m
 Sail No.    Yacht Name        Type        | Day  Time   Pos | Pen.|   Sec   Pos
 JPN 5503 Gust               Cookson 12m     06 11:09:52   1            4381   1
 JPN 2500 Horizon            Yokoyama 30R    06 11:22:33   9            4400   2
 JPN 4004 Paraphrenian       First 40.7(DK)  06 11:14:07   2            4404   3
 JPN 6155 Flawless           First 36.7      06 11:16:25   3            4441   4
 JPN 5830 Eldorado           Yamaha 33S(TR)  06 11:17:29   5            4542   5
 JPN 5824 Hornet             Yamaha 33S      06 11:18:36   6            4569   6
 JPN 5691 Wendy 3            Farr 34IMS      06 11:17:13   4            4590   7
 JPN 5812 Saiki              Seam 31         06 11:21:47   8            4667   8
 JPN 5870 Kaito              J/V 35CR        06 11:18:40   7            4671   9
 JPN 5055 Narumi 8           Tsuboi IMS950   06 11:27:23  13            4722  10
 JPN  210 Querida            G.Frers 31      06 11:26:03  11            4740  11
 JPN 5933 Dancing Beans 3    Seam 31         06 11:24:12  10            4814  12
 JPN 5841 Roku 3             Seam 31         06 11:26:10  12            4922  13
Class  : ORC_Club
Race   : #6 Inshore
Handicap : ORC_Club                    Start       : 2005-11-06   12:00:00
Course Type : Time-on-Time             Time Limit  : 2005-11-06   14:20:00
Course Length : 8.4 miles
Age Allowance  : Applied(x2)
Wind Angle  : 80  deg to 100 deg       Wind Speed  : 8   m/sec to 11  m/sec
Wave Height : 0.7 m   to 1   m
 Sail No.    Yacht Name        Type        | Day  Time   Pos | Pen.|   Sec   Pos
 JPN 4004 Paraphrenian       First 40.7(DK)  06 13:23:51   2            4982   1
 JPN 5503 Gust               Cookson 12m     06 13:19:43   1            4999   2
 JPN 2500 Horizon            Yokoyama 30R    06 13:36:13   8            5128   3
 JPN 6155 Flawless           First 36.7      06 13:30:08   3            5238   4
 JPN 5830 Eldorado           Yamaha 33S(TR)  06 13:31:03   5            5337   5
 JPN 5824 Hornet             Yamaha 33S      06 13:32:07   6            5355   6
 JPN 5870 Kaito              J/V 35CR        06 13:30:31   4            5375   7
 JPN  210 Querida            G.Frers 31      06 13:37:52  10            5391   8
 JPN 5691 Wendy 3            Farr 34IMS      06 13:32:29   7            5498   9
 JPN 5055 Narumi 8           Tsuboi IMS950   06 13:41:46  13            5499  10
 JPN 5812 Saiki              Seam 31         06 13:36:31   9            5508  11
 JPN 5841 Roku 3             Seam 31         06 13:39:41  11            5694  12
 JPN 5933 Dancing Beans 3    Seam 31         06 13:41:15  12            5788  13